Indiana Boer Goat Association
"Dream Big. Work Hard. Stay Humble"
2024 IBGA Show Rules​
Entries must be submitted electronically at indianaboergoatclassic.org on or before 11:59 PM on Wednesday prior to the show. Fees double for entries accepted after Wednesday prior to the show. Late entries will be accepted online until 6 pm the day before the show, and at check-in.
All shows are governed by the rules of the IBGA and the sanctioning Breed Association. IBGA rules have priority for the Youth Show. For incidents not covered by show rules, the IBGA Show Committee’s decision will be final.
Original Registration papers are required for all breeding stock animals from any Boer registry accepted by the ABGA for the Open Show.
Papers are not required for market or showmanship animals.
Youth exhibitors must be IBGA members and may join at any show. Points accumulate from that show forward.
All market animals must be weighed in by 8:15 AM (local time). Teeth and weights will be confirmed at the scale by the Show Secretary or Designee. No declared weights will be allowed.
All goats must be in place and papers checked in to the show secretary by 8:30 AM (local time).
Goats must be healthy and free of visible signs of contagious diseases. Animals of questionable health may be excused.
All goats must comply with Indiana BOAH and Scrapie rules. Out of state goats must follow any rules for transport set by the state of Indiana. Health papers are not required by in-state exhibitors; goats showing from out of state must provide health papers and comply with all IN BOAH rules.
All goats must be tagged or have some other permanent form of ID such as tattoo or microchip. If goats are microchipped, a reader must be supplied by the exhibitor.
Dehorning/tipping of Market Goats is recommended but not required.
Wethers must be castrated males. Wethers with remnants of testes will be up to committee discretion on if they will be allowed to show or not.
Market goats (wethers or does) must have all their milk teeth in place. Market goats (wethers or does) with missing teeth or permanent adult teeth coming in will be disqualified. (No refunds.)
Commercial does will show by age (milk, 2-, 4-teeth) and weight with a 10-pound weight range maximum per class allowed.
Market goats shall be body-clipped to a uniform length not exceeding 1/2" above the hocks and knees. Market goats cannot have additional hair or hair substitutes. IBGA committee can disqualify an animal/exhibitor if not following the rules. Commercial does and bucks may be shown with hair or clipped. There are not separate classes for haired or slicked commercial does or bucks (haired and slicked show together).
Animals may not dual register at a show. A commercial doe or buck may only show in the commercial doe or buck class and not again in the registered doe or buck division.
ABGA rules for fitting breeding & market animals applies.
IBGA reserves the right to conduct weigh-backs of market division goats. Animals gaining more than 5 lbs. from entry weight will be disqualified, forfeit that show’s premiums, and all earned points from that show.
IBGA reserves the right to conduct random drug/tissue tests. The exhibitor of any goat found with illegal drug residue will be banned from the show series.
No alcoholic beverages on the fairgrounds. No smoking inside any barns. No dogs allowed in or around the show arena.
Exhibitors and their families are responsible for safety and care of their goats and release the IBGA and any committee members from any and all responsibility for loss or damages or accidents and waive any and all claims resulting from any weigh-back or random drug/tissue test results.
IBGA reserves the right to refuse any exhibitor entry and to ask any person whose behavior is deemed detrimental to leave immediately.
Youth must show their own animals in the Junior Show unless they have two or more goats in the same class/division/drive to qualify for IBGA points towards awards (and another junior member must exhibit the second animal). A junior handler is acceptable if the exhibitor is younger than 12 years of age. Adults helping/showing the animal in the ABGA show will lead to forfeiture of IBGA points for that animal at that show.
No Refunds.
For questions, please contact
IBGA Show Committee Chair, Tammie Miller, 812-877-8677