Indiana Boer Goat Association
"Dream Big. Work Hard. Stay Humble"
Show Entry Details
This year, we are using Google Forms for our entries. You will submit one exhibitor form per exhibitor for each show. You will then fill out one show entry form for each animal entered (for example - if you’re entering two markets and three breeding goats, you will fill out five Google forms plus the exhibitor form, per show). Payment may be made at the show check-in table with cash or check, or via PayPal. If using PayPal, please add 3% to your total.
Click the box relative to the show you are wanting to enter, which will take you to the google drive form. (For example, show 1 click the black box directly below the show 1 exhibitor information box labeled Market Entries, and that will take you to the market entry form. Then the same for the breeding entries.)